New Technologies
High resolution cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) provides us with multiple perspectives, clarity of images to diagnose and treat endodontic lesions, assess surgical treatment, resorption root fractures and pathology. The Sirona Orthophos has XG 3D and is one of the most sophisticated small field, high resolution CBCT machines on the market. The combination of low effective radiation dose and superb imaging gives outstanding diagnostic results.
All of our dental operatories are equipped with Zeiss microscopes. The magnification and fiber optic illumination assist in assessing the performing of our endodontic therapy, enhancing our high rate of success.
Our office utilizes the Sirona Schick computer dental radiography system. This non-film dental imaging system reduces the level of radiation and produces almost instant images on the chairside computer screen. These images, archived indefinitely, are optimized and sent to your dentist.
All of our operatories are equipped with Kavo selective handpieces which are quieter and more efficient than conventional handpieces.
Determining the length of the root can be quite a challenge, especially for upper molars or in areas where x-rays may be difficult to take. All of our root length measurements are made with the finest electronic apex locators. Using this very accurate technique to determine the exact position of the apical foramen produces a more controlled canal cleaning and fill. Accuracy is achieved with reduced radiation exposure.